by SEL Specialist | May 12, 2021 | Events, Kids, mindfulness, School, SEL Strategies, Social-Emotional Learning
A Look Back In May, Mindful Practices and Class Catalyst were honored to host our first annual Student Voice Summit: Aiming for Action and Agency, featuring youth voices from across the United States. Led entirely by K-12 students, our Student Voice Summit featured...
by admin | May 5, 2021 | Administrative Support, Resources, School
The newly released ESSER Funds (which includes the CARES Act, ESSER II and the American Recovery Plan funds), is much like winning the lottery for low-income, and public schools alike. This one-time cash windfall is unlike any in recent memory, and it is critical that...
by SEL Specialist | Mar 17, 2020 | Events, Health, mindfulness
Mindful Practices knows that during this stressful time, taking care of yourself, your family, and your students matters. Our Remote SEL Support Program includes mindfulness, movement, yoga, stress reduction techniques, and professional development sessions that are...