Mindful Practices will be at this year’s CASEL SEL Exchange in Atlanta GA, which will feature Singer/ Songwriter Jewel and Hip-hop legend and mental-health advocate, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels!
We will be at Booth 701 as well as have four presentation sessions during the conference that demonstrate how our services – from Mindful Practices to Class Catalyst to the Collective Well-Being Project – bring out the best in what you do best.

Wednesday, Nov 8, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm in B409
Playing the Long Game:
Developing SEL Programming for the Future
Presenters: Dr. Linda Bovino-Romeo, Myron Hester & Ryan Wamser
Who should attend: School leaders, thought leaders, SEL specialists
Key take away: Learn how to scale evidence based SEL practices to improve your climate and culture

Wednesday, Nov 8, 5:00pm – 6:30pm in Poster Room
Adult SEL Implementation Framework:
Trauma-Informed and Continuous Improvement Approaches
Presenters: Reiko Kakuyama-Villaber & Hayley Landes
Who should attend: Trauma therapist, SEL specialist, and PD Coordinators
Key take away: Learn how data driven decision-making can help minimize job related stress

Thursday, Nov 9 at 10:15am – 11:00am in A402
Empowering School Leaders to
Support Workplace Well-Being
Presenters: Carla Tantillo, Adam King, Myron Hester & Dr. Blaise Aguirre
Who should attend: Superintendents and district administrators, thought leaders, school decision makers
Key take away: Learn how the 4th largest school district in the country is prioritizing collective well-being to retain valued educators and staff.

Thursday, Nov 9 at 11:30am – 12:45pm in A408
From Spreadsheets to Students:
Using Student SEL Data to Develop Evidence-Based Programs
Presenter: Dr. Kiljoong Kim
Who should attend: Counselors, educators, school decision makers, and district leaders
Key take away: Learn about the impact of real-time data gathering on student and staff SEL skill building.
Visit Booth 701 to take a pause from the conference chaos and see how we provide mindful support for all – students, teachers, counselors and administrators
We can’t wait to see you there!