Our Mission
Mindful Practices uses a comprehensive, equity-centered, and tech-driven approach to push the boundaries of SEL by prioritizing student and teacher well-being, fueled by student voice, and agency.
Founded in 2006, Mindful Practices (MP) is a national professional development organization that has been providing SEL services to the public school system for over a decade using a comprehensive, equity centered, and tech-driven approach to push the boundaries of SEL by prioritizing student and teacher well-being, fueled by student voice and agency.
When we talk about SEL we’re not only sharing beliefs–we’re sharing facts. We know that building emotional intelligence can lead to lifelong skills of compassion and intentionality. We have the empirical data, and the lived experiences of children and teachers backing us up. When it comes to SEL we know what we’re talking about. Look no further than the impact of our work.
We use the latest research and technology to disrupt the status quo by identifying, addressing, and managing problems before they start. We listen, facilitate and provide learning experiences for students and teachers. By equipping educational institutions and teachers with SEL tools we are working to transform their individual efforts into a major shift in the educational system.

We Listen
We listen to our school partners to assess their SEL needs.
Our trauma informed approach and culturally responsive practices provide a structure and framework that supports students and staff in every aspect of their school day.
Mindful Practices meets partners where they are to work with them to achieve actionable SEL goals, driven by data.
We Implement
We foster staff and student engagement in the work of SEL, empowering all school stakeholders to create a culture of care and rapport.
Class Catalyst, our on-line check-in platform is an all-in-one SEL solution to promote student voice and relationship building among students and teachers.
Coaching and Professional Development, emphasizing self-care and trauma informed practices and the understanding that SEL is not a “one-size-fits-all” program, but rather a discipline to be developed and cultivated.
Wellness Learning for Students and Staff: A customized schedule of online SEL sessions that cover everything from movement breaks and SEL stories, to well-being, professional development, and trauma therapist Q&A sessions.

We Support
We are committed to creating a sustainable SEL approach for our partners.
Efficient, individualized, seamless, and data driven, we continue to lead our school partners toward achieving their immediate and long-term SEL goals.
We advise and consult on a classroom level, school level, and district level, to ensure best practices, consistency, and fidelity of implementation.
Our Team
Carla Tantillo Philibert
Founder & President
Carla is considered a thought-leader in the SEL community and has worked with leaders in the field such as CASEL, The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Kripalu and the United Nations.
“I am proud of Mindful Practices—the work we do and what we stand for. Why choose Mindful Practices? Because we will work arm in arm with educators in your district to make sure human connection is a priority in your schools. To make sure that every student has a voice and that every educator has the tools they need to respond to that voice in kind. We know what it takes to make an impact and we will help you get there, one breath at a time.”

Rob Philibert
CEO Rob Philbert created Class Catalyst, an EdTech SEL tool that utilizes individual student check-ins to promote student voice and strengthen student-educator relationships.
“We all need help being our best selves. I’m honored to be part of a team dedicated to helping others create the space they need to grow. My passion is to figure out how we can help more people in the process.”

Vienna Webb
Director of Digital Support, SEL Specialist
“I believe in the power of SEL, and am so grateful to be able to provide space for students and educators to observe and navigate their feelings in the classroom and beyond.”
Mary Kusper
Project Manager
“SEL helps students and adults thrive in school and in life. The skills can be taught and learned from early childhood all the way through adulthood. I am proud to work for a company that not only believes but teaches these core values.”
We partner with Class Catalyst, our EdTech application, & Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637. All personal student information is removed before data is provided to this or any other third-party contractor. Third-party contractors do not have access to any personal student information and only compile anonymous data for research and statistical purposes.