by SEL Specialist | Mar 19, 2021 | Administrative Support, Events, Health, Kids, mindfulness, Resources, School, SEL Strategies, Social-Emotional Learning, Town Hall
With the return to in-person learning, anxiety shows up in different ways for staff, students and families. Mindful Practices has invited leaders who are skillfully navigating this transition to share ideas for managing the anxiety that comes with a return to...
by SEL Specialist | Sep 10, 2020 | mindfulness, School, Social-Emotional Learning
The end-of-summer jitters come for educators every year, but the unknowns for this upcoming school year may feel especially anxiety-inducing. At Mindful Practices, we believe the way to embrace the present is to understand the intricacies of how we are feeling and how...
by SEL Specialist | Sep 21, 2018 | Health, Kids, mental illness, mindfulness, School, Social-Emotional Learning
Back-to-school can be a stressful time for students and teachers alike. Students may be upset, worried, or restless as they adjust to a new schedule, and teachers have to manage all of these emotions while dealing with their own stress. Since the first few days...
by SEL Specialist | Sep 21, 2018 | Health, Kids, mental illness, mindfulness, School, Social-Emotional Learning
Back-to-school can be a stressful time for students and teachers alike. Students may be upset, worried, or restless as they adjust to a new schedule, and teachers have to manage all of these emotions while dealing with their own stress. Since the first few days...