The Mindful Blog

Child Friendly Meditation for Your Kids

Child Friendly Meditation for Your Kids

Child Friendly Meditation for Your Kids When most of us picture meditation, it doesn't involve children. Perhaps it's time for that image to change. For those who have practiced meditation for any length of time, the benefits to health and wellbeing become obvious....

“Not only are there benefits to teen yoga, but those who decide to take up the practice find that they enjoy it. In the same study, nearly 75 percent of the teens that took yoga stated that they would like to continue.”

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Reduce Teen Stress with Yoga

Reduce Teen Stress with Yoga Not everyone enjoys their teen years and, even those who do have some typical bumps in the road. Teenagers have busy schedules, academic pressure, physical and hormonal changes, and social issues to deal with almost on a daily basis. There...

Social Benefits of Yoga for Children

Social Benefits of Yoga for Children

Social Benefits of Yoga for Children Kundalini yoga was at the center of a study conducted by the University of Nottingham recently, and the study sought to determine the effect that the regular practice of yoga would have on communities of children which have...

8 Ways Kids Benefit from Yoga

8 Ways Kids Benefit from Yoga

8 Ways Kids Benefit from Yoga There are more distractions than ever before today for young children, and many of them are not seen as positive influences. Cellphone usage for instance, has penetrated down even to the youngest levels, and many of the youngest kids have...

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