Mindful Practices Texts
Be sure to check out Cooling Down Your Classroom for printable SEL worksheets and activities to make SEL implementation accessible for busy educators of all grade levels.
Yoga Deck
Looking to deepen your understanding of the implementation and “why” behind bringing SEL, yoga, and mindfulness in schools? We highly recommend these additional texts.
The Yoga Deck - Laminated 8x11
Bring yoga to your classroom with our compilation of calming and energizing yoga poses including teaching descriptions for all age levels
Recommended Texts
Looking to deepen your understanding of the implementation and “why” behind bringing SEL, yoga, and mindfulness in schools? We highly recommend these additional texts:
Stories of School Yoga: Narratives from the Field
Edited by Andrea M. Hyde & Janet D. Johnson
View on Amazon
Mindfulness and Yoga in Schools: A Guide for Teachers and Practitioners
by Catherine Cook-Cottone
View on Amazon
Complimentary Activities
Complimentary printable social emotional learning lesson plans for all ages!
SEL at Home
This one page guide for a POP check helps cultivate self-awareness and self-regulation and is available in both English & Spanish!
SEL at Home – English
¡Este cheque POP de una página completa ayuda a cultivar la autoconciencia y la autorregulación y está disponible tanto en inglés como en español!
SEL at Home – Spanish
Yoga Practice
Cultivate body awareness through these beginners yoga sequences.
Yoga Practice (English)
Cultiva la conciencia corporal a través de estas secuencias de yoga para principiantes.
Yoga Practice (Spanish)
Mindful Practices | SEL On Demand at Home
Our SEL On Demand Video Library offers educators the opportunity to choose SEL practices and activities to share with their students – remotely or in-person! Sharing a variety of educator and student favorite videos that families can practice together at home.
Free Lesson Plans
Enjoy these complimentary lesson plans from Cooling Down You Classroom geared to address the Mindful Practices SEL Competencies!
Pass the Cool Cap
Build your social awareness and teamwork!
Holding Who I Am
Cultivate resilience and communication skills!
Cool Star Kid
Build your self-esteem and empathy!
What Is Your Temp?
Cultivate self-awareness and self-regulation!
Please enjoy our Mindful Practices and Class Catalyst Video Collection!
Class Catalyst
Your favorite Class Catalyst SEL practices, for students of all ages.
Mindful Reading for Kids
Join our founder Carla as she reads some great books and leads you through a mindful reflection of the texts, for a cross between a book reading and a guided meditation for our younger children.
Mindfulness for Students and Teachers
Join our founder Carla as she reads some great books and leads you through a mindful reflection of the texts, for a cross between a book reading and a guided meditation for our younger children.
Mindfulness for Students & Teachers
Prioritizing Your Life: Rocks, Pebbles and Sand
A simple animation about the impact of focusing on the important things in life with an important message about how focusing on minutiae may lead to you missing out on the important things. This metaphor is applicable to one’s personal life as well one’s career.
I Teach Because:
SEL Town Halls
A convening of experts in SEL, mental health and well-being to share strategies for schools recovery and return.
Equity & Allyship w/Justice in June
A conversation with the creators of “Justice in June” – a resource compiled by Autumn Gupta with Bryanna Wallace’s oversight for the purpose of providing a starting place for individuals trying to become better allies.
SEL Has An Implementation Problem
Conversation with Dr. Kiljoong Kim from Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago for a candid discussion of SEL implementation problems and how we can proactively find more equitable solutions. Recorded 6/16/20
Equity & Student Voice
A place for us all to come together, in community, to hear student voices and perspectives. Q&A session with recent high school graduates around racism and equity in schools. Recorded 6/12/20
Collective Trauma: Strategies for Moving Through, Not Around
A place for us all to come together, in community, to share our voices and perspectives. To speak our fears and to collaboratively construct anti-racist, trauma-informed solutions. Recorded 6/7/20
Town Hall: FUD Happens, Now What?
What is FUD? How can we move from feeling stuck, overwhelmed and unsure into collecting the information we need to step to action and make brave, informed choices about our students’ mental health and social emotional well-being? Answers to these questions and more! Recorded 5/29/20
The Mindful Blog
Student Voices: A Chat with Melivia Mujica
In preparation for our 3rd annual Student Voice Summit, Mindful Practices had an opportunity to chat with Melivia Mujica, a first generation college...
Adult Well Being: Vivir Mi Vida!
Wintery Well-Being on the South Shore On February 3rd, the temperatures in Chicago were in single digits, but the sun was shining and over 200...
Class Catalyst and Lifetouch featured at AASA Conference
Join us at our various sessions at AASA's LIVE WELL. LEAD WELL. event in San Antonio Texas to learn more about Class Catalyst, a tool that improves...