Educator Support
Professional Development + SEL Certification + Webinar Workshops & More
SEL Curriculum
We are proud to offer our SEL curriculum to schools and educators interested in teaching critical SEL skills as part of their classroom, homeroom, or advisory content. Each of the 5 units contains individualized grade level lesson plans based on the CASEL SEL competencies;
Self-Awareness | Self-Management, Social Awareness | Relationship Skills | Responsible Decision-Making
Our curriculum is available for any grade level PreK-12, and includes developmentally appropriate practices for each age group, including mindfulness, movement, team-building activities, games, reflection, discussion, and more! Each lesson can be completed in 30 minutes with little-to-no prep or materials needed. Our online version of our curriculum links seamlessly to your Class Catalyst account, allowing for quick access to daily check-ins for students and SEL On Demand videos for ongoing practice.
Want to learn more about how our curriculum could bring powerful SEL skill building in your classroom or school? Please reach out to us at
Online SEL Certification
Mindful Practices’ SEL Certification is for early adopters, experienced practitioners or those folx who want to dive deeper into SEL, mental health, and well-being practices. Through this interactive community-building experience, you will explore the SEL competencies, apply equitable and effective implementation strategies and learn culturally responsive and trauma-informed practicesto navigate change and build community.
Professional Development
Our highly-trained team of SEL Specialists work to provide a customized professional development experience that empowers teachers to use SEL in the classroom to help students learn self-awareness and self-regulation skills. We offer PD on specific topics, as well as whole-year PD for all school stakeholders on implementing a personalized, trauma-informed SEL approach in your school. Reach out to to schedule our team to bring high-quality SEL PD to your school!
Check out our Event Calendar for dates and timing. Sign up for our 100, 200, and Well-Being Courses below!

SEL 100 Level Courses
The SEL 100 Level Courses are Mindful Practices’ Core Curriculum. These comprehensive training modules provide a solid introduction to Social Emotional Learning and offer a refresher for those already familiar with the Mindful Practices approach. SEL competencies and the “why” behind SEL are the focus of this foundational material. We recommend engaging with the 100 Level Courses in the order presented, since the components of each module connect one to the next in this series.
- Introduction to SEL: For those just beginning their SEL journey this is a great primer for all that is to come. This overview course delineates Mindful Practices’ approach to SEL, from the competencies to general implementation.
- Trauma-Informed Practices: The Science Behind SEL: In this course, participants learn what trauma is, how it impacts our role as educators, and what SEL “looks like, sounds like, feels like” through a trauma-informed lense.
- Self-Awareness: This course includes practices to appreciate our own experiences (emotionally, mentally, physically), to recognize our strengths and limitations, and to connect to our values and motivations. This is the hub of the wheel of all the other SEL skills.
- Self-Regulation: This course offers strategies and practices to be called upon at a moment’s notice to help manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a positive way. From breathwork, to movement exercises, to seated passive activities, Mindful Practices has you covered.
- Social Awareness: Communication, empathy building, respect and cooperation are the cornerstones of this competency. Learn practical strategies for how to explicitly teach these essential skills to students.
- Using Class Catalyst to Inform Your SEL Process: In this course, participants will take a deep dive into the data views in their Class Catalyst teacher accounts and learn how to get the most out of the SEL platform to build connections and inform their instruction. *Note: Only for educators with Class Catalyst/SEL On Demand accounts through Mindful Practices*
To learn more about SEL 100 Level Courses, please reach out to us at You can also check out our Event Calendar to stay current on course dates and other Mindful Practices important events!
SEL 200 Level Courses
For those who have already completed the 100 Level Core Curriculum, we invite you to deepen your learning and implementation with our 200 Level Courses. Particular areas of focus can be explored in greater depth, from Race and Equity offerings to aligning SEL competencies with correlating Mindfulness competencies (a framework unique to Mindful Practices that brings depth and flexibility to our approach). We recommend, but not require, that the Core Curriculum be completed prior to engaging with 200 Level content.
- Equity & SEL (Consultants: Amy T, Ginger Sunbird Martin): These culturally responsive workshops make clear that SEL and race/equity work are integral to one another. Join Mindful Practices’ Race and Equity Consultants as they expertly guide conversations and actionable steps around these important topics.
- Intentionality (Habits of Mind): By practicing intentionality throughout our day we choose to focus on what we are contributing to a situation. We explore the connection of intentionality to self-regulation.
- Non-Judgmentalness: A non-judgmental stance informs the ways in which we communicate (both verbally and non-verbally). An attitude of non-judgment holds space for “unconditional positive regard” (of ourselves and others). We make a correlation to social- awareness in this course.
- Balance Between Self-Efficacy and Social Harmony & Marginality: This workshop focuses on the flexibility required to maintain balance in all the areas of our lives.
To learn more about SEL 200 Level Courses, please reach out to us at You can also check out our Event Calendar to stay current on course dates and other Mindful Practices important events!
Well-Being Workshops
Well-Being Workshops offer support and guidance in the Educator’s journey of Self-Care. Take time to renew and reset. Come away with practical tools for maintaining structure and balance to help you achieve your Self-Care and Well-Being goals. This series is recommended for all of our school partners. We recommend engaging with the Well-Being Series in the order it is presented.
- Embrace Self-Care & Well-Being through Intentionality: An intention can help align our beliefs, emotions, and actions bringing more integrity to our lives. This workshop offers opportunities to connect with a deeper sense of purpose and direction.
- Establish Self-Care & Well-Being through Boundaries: Part 2 of this workshop series focuses on boundaries. We address specifically: what are boundaries, why are they important, how do we create and maintain them?
- Embark on Self-Care & Well-Being through Practice: This final installment of our 3 Part Well-Being Series focuses on sustaining our momentum. Participants will leave feeling empowered with a Self-Care and Wellbeing plan and what to do when challenges arise.
To learn more about Well-Being Workshops, please reach out to us at You can also check out our Event Calendar to stay current on course dates and other Mindful Practices important events!
Webinar Workshops
Our webinars are perfect for schools, administrators, or educators who want to learn more about specific SEL topics from the comfort of your own space. These easy-to-access programs are available remotely any time, and can be finished at the participant’s leisure, generally in under an hour.
If you are a school looking for a more differentiated approach to professional development and learning, our webinars are a great option for staff to broaden their skill set or hone in on a specific growth area.

- Teacher Self-Care
- Trauma-Informed Practices
- Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) Programming
- Behavioral Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Mindfulness in Education
- SEL Classrooms: Setting Up Your SEL Space
- SEL in Advisory Blocks
- Creating a School SEL Team
- Integrating Academic Content and SEL
- School-Wide Behavior Systems
- Classroom Systems and Transitions
- SEL Grant Writing and School Funding
- Critical Conversations and Adult Mediation
- Town Hall Webinars on Pressing Issues/Topics in Education (COVID-19 recovery and return, race and equity, trauma)
TeleHealth for Teachers
Our TeleHealth for Teachers package includes one confidential, online session with a licensed trauma clinician or mindfulness coach. Depending upon their needs, participants can choose if they would like their session to be focused on tools for well-being or individual therapy. For continued support after their session, our TeleHealth for Teachers package also includes access to online self-care workshops and digital well-being tools.
Conferences & Keynotes
In need of a conference keynote on SEL, yoga or mindfulness?
With more than 20 years of experience in education, professional development and SEL services, Carla Tantillo Philibert knows how to empower and excite school stakeholders on the importance and benefits of including SEL and movement in the classroom.
- 2020-21 ASU GSV Cup – Presenter
- 2021 OSIRIS Educational – World Education Summit – Presenter
- 2020-21 CEC – Council for Exceptional Children
- 2020 ILASCD 40th Annual Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference – Presenter
- 2020 Innovating for Equity Summit – Keynote
- 2020-21 DLAC- Digital Learning Annual Conference – Presenter
- Educating Mindfully Conference – Presenter
- ILASCD Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference – Presenter
- NYU/Columbia Co-Sponsored Conference on “Self, Self-Care & Schools” – Keynote
- CPSEL – National Social and Emotional Learning Conference 2020 – Presenter
- NASSP National Principals Conference 2020 – Presenter