Students! Share Your Voice!
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Student Voice Horns Sticker
Arrow through Heart Illustration
Sandwhich Illustration
Sandwhich Illustration
Sandwhich Illustration
Paintbrush Illustration

Look, Listen, & Learn as Students Share Their VOICE!


What is the Student Voice Summit?

The Student Voice Summit is a platform where you can share how you are engaging with issues that matter to you. We are highlighting student created artwork, photography, essays, poems, and other social media content!

Why does student voice matter?

Students everywhere are our future! You bring fresh perspectives to the world around us and it’s important for adults to listen to your ideas. When students speak up about their experiences, exciting things can happen!
Student Voice Summit High School Students - Share Your Voice!

Students Speak on Mental Health

Mental health is a critical part of our collective well-being. Our youth face challenges that may be difficult to overcome and affects their overall mental strength. Still, young people are resilient and have a unique set of tools to help them cope. Let’s hear their take on mental health, how they self-regulate, and manage their own well-being. (Video Length – 3 min : 34 sec)

Students Speak About Today’s World

Each generation has a unique set of events and experiences that help shape their world-view. In the last few generations, communication technology has advanced at an exceptional rate. It has changed the way we receive information and interact with each other. Find out how young people view and interpret the events of today’s world! (Video Length – 2 min : 55 sec)

What Are Students Proud Of?

Do you know what you are proud of? Is that shared among your peers? Is it just something for you? It can be universally shared things, such as personal achievements, or family heritage and culture. Sometimes what we are proud of is unique and very personal to just us. Let’s hear what students today are proud of and compare! (Video Length – 2 min : 02 sec)

What Are Students Biggest Concerns?

It feels like every new day brings on a new challenge. The daily news can feel exhausting. Maintaining your social life feels like a full-time job. You may have health challenges or family issues. There may be a global pandemic happening. Life will throw everything AND the kitchen sink at you. Sometimes it’s good to just vent. So let’s hear what concerns students have in the year 2023! (Video Length – 2 min : 34 sec)

What is Impacting Student Communities?

Hear students take on the hard issues they face in their communities. The societal impact of gentrification, violence and crime are issues that affect millions, but may be extra difficult for our youth. Let’s hear them out! (Video Length – 3 min : 27 sec)

More from the Student Voice Summit

View the 2023 SVS Art Gallery below or check out our recent blog posts on Student Voice!
Pharlone Toussaint - Student Voice Matters

Student Voices: A Chat with Pharlone Toussaint

Mindful Practices had an opportunity to chat with Pharlone Toussaint, our Director of Equity, Belonging, and Partnerships. See what Pharlone had to say!
Student Voice Summit Background Doodles

Student Voices: Melivia Mujica

Mindful Practices had an opportunity to chat with Melivia Mujica, a first generation college student. See what Melivia had to say!

2023 SVS Art Gallery

Saturn and Stars Illustration
Musical Notes Illustration
guitar illustration
Musical Notes Illustration
Student Voice Summit Sponsor Badges