Our APProach

We Listen + We Implement + We Support

Since 2006

Mindful Practices has been empowering teachers, educators, school administrators and students through Social Emotional Learning, mindfulness, wellness, yoga, and the arts (dance, music, visual arts, and theatre) to create a more effective, holistic learning environment.

Our approach is to empower all school partners to succeed by helping them build a positive and engaged school climate and culture. We specialize in supporting and empowering educators to create classroom and school environments focused on educator and student well-being to better prepare ALL students to succeed—academically, socially, emotionally—in and out of school.

What is our Competitive Advantage?

  • Easy-to-use tech platform for staff to build stronger connections with their students
  • Personalized SEL activities for each student via Class Catalyst
  • Customized and relevant professional learning opportunities for educators including self-care/well-being, building strong connections with students and trauma-informed instructional strategies
  • Training educators on using SEL as an approach with their students, families and colleagues rather than “just one more thing.”
child relaxed

Research-Based Practices

Through research-based practices, Mindful Practices provides innovative and high quality services that are customized to meet each school community’s individual needs. We bring a student-centered and culturally relevant approach to SEL wellness education.

Our organization features educators, social workers, dancers, musicians, theatre artists, community activists, and administrators who display versatility in their approach to engaging educators, students and communities from all walks of life.

The multi-faceted nature of Mindful Practices allows for maximum flexibility for schools to implement cross-sector collaborations which leverage community strengths and help to unite and heal.

We partner with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago to refine our efficacy and approach to leverage SEL to connect, celebrate and reunite school communities.

What are the Projected Outcomes?

  • Participating students report an increase in positive relationships and feelings of connectedness with self and others.
  • Participating students report a connection between education and self-awareness, along with building community/peer engagement.
  • Participating students report an increase in understanding about their emotions and how their actions affect themselves and others around them.
  • Educators and school stakeholders who participate in professional learning activities will report an increase in feelings of connectedness with students and colleagues along with an increased ability to effectively address student SEL, mental health and well-being needs.
Chapin Hall - At the University of Chicago

Supporting Research by Dr. Kiljoong Kim, University of Chicago, Chapin Hall: